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Altitude Training for Athletic Performance

Altitude training improves physical performance at sea-level and at altitude by enhancing muscle function and increasing the transport and uptake of oxygen by the body. Through sleeping, exercising, and/or intermittent breathing, individuals and teams can naturally increase endurance, speed, power, and recovery.

Athletes in every sport are now realizing the performance benefits that altitude training can have on strength, power and endurance. Through a combination of sleeping in normobaric hypoxia every night and moderately working out at altitude 2-3 times per week, athletes can increase performance to otherwise unachievable levels. Scientific studies have shown improvements in VO2 Max and Lactate Threshold by as much as 10%.

The proper altitude training program can substantially boost body’s oxygen transport systems through enhanced ventilation, naturally increased EPO production and increased mitochondrial efficiency. This will allow more efficient energy production both aerobically as well as anaerobically. Ultimately this will allow the athlete to experience:

  • Increased endurance and speed
  • Less Fatigue
  • Improved recovery